`love me cause i love you.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


happy 15th birthday bernice!

actually with mr chooi teaching chemistry there's a lil problem. he speaks too slowwwwwly [ i think im the only one who thinks so.. ] a bit boring la. in lesson i wanta sleep. lol. if i sleep, then too tired then if later i bang on my head on table then everyone will look at me. MALU sia.

i just realised that i make alot of noise and sounds in class! wahhaha. without me the class will be soooooooo quiet<-- according to mdm yeo. LOl. have me around then good ma, got noise contribution and all. then during POA wont be that boring anymore. cause im there. dont fear cause qiu jin is here! see, im so nice. i contribute NICE noises and sounds to class(((:


after school, germs and me went to meet nick. reg came along too cause we all take taxi, so she decided to pangseh craig and his 'brotherrrs'. LOl. nick like so dao liddat. fine lor whatever la. LOL. but nvm he's so nice. he treat me watch i not stupid too with germaine. abit sian la. we watched with jia kai and min er. LOL. lightbulbs sehh. reg and craig sit far behind from us. uh huh. after watching the movie, parents came to fetch me home.

i bought my drum sticks and text book alr. wheeee(:

see, whenever i wanta blog i always forgot what i want to blog about. blogger's block sia. stupid. oh yes, i not stupid too is touching la. shawn who act as tom said to his father :'whatever things i do doesnt seem to please you..'-blahblahshit- i totally agree lo. hais. whatever shit i do doesnt seems to be please. not even when i get full marks for test. how to please them? someone tell me please..

harsh reality. yucks. i hate it. puiiiii. hahha(: ive seriously got nothing to type anymore. just lameshitcrap. ohwells...

i think you lost yourself too..

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